Tuesday, February 17, 2009


First, I apologize for taking so long to post my new pictures. I really don't have any excuse besides laziness. Hopefully this will make up for my lack of communication with you guys.

I went to the races last Sunday. The Sha Tin racetrack can hold up to 85,000 people and has a digital screen as long as a 747. I wasn't particularly impressed by the races, but I suppose the only thing I have to compare it to is Del Mar, which is amazing. At Del Mar women get dressed up in their dresses and hats and people arrive in limos sometimes. At Sha Tin the women who were 'dressed up' had on dark pants suits. The only other people there besides the owners were old men. It wasn't as much of a family experience as Del Mar is...and they didn't have snow cones!

I decided to take a free tour of the racetrack that they offered to tourists. I was the only one on the tour. I did get to go to the center of the track to the park there that isn't open on race days. They had some memorabilia left from the Olympics and a practice track that wound through it. I got to take a picture on one of the jumps from the Olympics. There were also tons of horse statues throughout the racetrack from the Olympics that were pretty neat. So there I was, being given a tour by two guides who didn't really say anything most of the time. The younger guide did ask me why I was alone...it wouldn't have bothered me except he wasn't the first person that has mentioned that to me on this trip. First, is it any of his business? No. Second, is it unsafe for me to be wandering around Hong Kong by myself? For the most part, not at all. Third, does a person always need a companion to be happy? Sure, at times during my travels I would have liked some company, but it's not the end of the world. Basically, don't ask me why I am alone unless you are offering to join me!

So, now that that's out of the way, on to the pictures. Most races were on the turf and were run clockwise instead of counter clockwise.


  1. You and your snowcones :-) I totally agree with you on being alone; it is no one's business and being by yourself can be a lot of fun. Did you make any bets while you there? Because, hey, that's the best part (besides the snowcones, of course).

  2. I should have know you would find horses...
