Friday, January 30, 2009

The Island

We went to Hong Kong Island today and the weather was beautiful. There are Lunar New Year decorations everywhere, including this golden bull which I decided to kiss for good luck.

We stopped by the US Consulate so Heather and Eric could get some documents notarized for their move to Saudi Arabia in August. I was expecting some grand marble building, but the only marble I saw was this wall outside.

Hong Kong Island has steep hillsides that have been built on over the years. I love these stone walls with trees growing out of them.

We stopped by Hong Kong park in the afternoon which included this courtyard dedicated to those who had died fighting SARS. This picture was taken on a 30 m tower that we climbed 105 steps to get to the top

This picture is dedicated to Glenda Wycoff. It was part of the "artificial lake" (they are very specific on their maps)

This was so exciting! Sulfur-Crested Cockatoos fly around wild in the park. They are an introduced species to Hong Kong.

This giant walk through aviary was closed when we walked by. I'll get some pictures of the inside another day.

The buildings in Hong Kong amaze me. This one has grass on the roof.

This is an example of a very typical apartment building. People hang their clothes out the windows to dry them.

The Lippo Towers are just neat...

I'm not sure how well you can see this, but the side of the AIG building was lit up like a rainbow. Every night at 8pm there is a light show with music on the sides of all the buildings...quite extravagant.


  1. I love the trees growing out of the stone walls; that's really cool.

  2. Loved the cockatoo.I'll make sure Glenda sees her pond picture.

  3. Katie! Love your blog. Your photos are very professional! Could be a another "major" along with Biology. smile

  4. Hi Katie, I have been doing my darnest to be able to post a comment. Everytime I tried my computer booted me off. Anyway, I'm able now and just wanted to the frogs in the pond, thank you for the dedication:)
